Price Calculator
Volkswagen Tiguan
The price of this journey would be
Trip start fee of 1.49€ is included in the price calculation.
Atkreipk dėmesį, jog šis Volkswagen Tiguan yra dyzelinio variklio!
We offer prepaid trip packages that include fixed time with fixed kilometers.
By choosing prepaid packages, you will pay less than the usual fare with the same distance and time in the “pay as you go” option.
If you happen to exceed the kilometers and /or time included in the price of the package, you will be able to continue the journey safely.
After the prepaid package ends (mileage and time included are finished), you will be paying for additional minutes and/or kilometers as specified in the chosen package deal.
You can also continue your trip by purchasing one more additional prepaid package without completing the active reservation.
If you decide to end the trip before using the time and /or kilometers indicated on the prepaid package, this balance will not be refunded.
The price of the fixed prepaid package will be charged at the beginning of the trip and the price for the extra kilometers and/or time will be charged during or at the end of the journey, depending on the length of your trip.
A day mentioned in the trip packages is 24 hours.
You can find the packages and prices in the CityBee app, also, the prices of prepaid packages can be viewed here:
Now you are able to customize the pre-paid packages yourself by selecting time and kilometers in the app. Choose the preferred duration of the package, then, select the number of kilometers you anticipate driving during that time. This way, you can tailor the pre-paid package to fit your specific needs and budget. Enjoy the flexibility and convenience of customizing your own package!
CityBee subscription plan is valid for 30 days from the date of purchase. Unused trips do not carry over to a new plan.
If you exceed the maximum allotted time or distance during a trip, standard CityBee per-minute and per-kilometer rates will apply according to the pay-as-you-go pricing for the selected car model. Immediately after your trip, you will receive an invoice via email detailing the additional charges for extra kilometers and/or minutes. This amount will be charged to the payment card linked to your CityBee account.
If, for any reason, the additional charges cannot be deducted from your payment card and a debt is incurred, you will not be able to start a new trip until the outstanding balance is settled.
The plan is activated on the day of purchase. You will receive an email notification confirming the activation immediately after the purchase.
You are subject to the following agreements, procedures, and policies:
In Lithuania:
In Latvia:
In Estonia:
All CityBee subscription plans are valid for 30 days from the date of purchase. If you do not use all the trips included in the plan within this period, the plan will not be automatically renewed, and no refunds will be given for unused trips.
If you contact us by phone, calling from a phone number that you haven’t registered in your CityBee profile, we will verify your identity by asking you to provide your profile or other information known only by you.
As part of this check, we can send a verification code (SMS or e-mail) to the registered phone number or e-mail address, asking you to provide the verification code.
If the verification doesn’t work, we cannot continue providing assistance.
Please note that when calling from the registered phone number some additional identification questions may be asked.
All publicly available information will be provided to any caller without verification.
The CityBee subscription is a monthly trip plan that allows you to travel much more affordably than with the pay-as-you-go pricing and offers exclusive benefits for subscribers. When you purchase a subscription plan for a fixed price, you’ll receive a set number of trips. Each trip includes a predetermined number of kilometers and minutes, as well as the trip start fee and minimum trip cost. You have 30 days from the date of purchase to use your trips.
Regardless of the number of trips, the CityBee monthly subscription plan also includes the following benefits:
free parking in the CityBee yellow zone;
‘BeeChill’ fee included in the price.
The price of this journey would be
Trip start fee of 1.49€ is included in the price calculation.
Atkreipk dėmesį, jog šis Volkswagen Tiguan yra dyzelinio variklio!