If the car gets dirty during a long-term rental in Lithuania, we offer several options:
Go to the PRO BRO tunnel car wash and wash your car for free;
Contact us by +37070044844, Facebook or via email info@citybee.lt.
If the car gets dirty during a long-term rental in Latvia, please contact us by calling +371 27265460 and we will provide you further details.
If the car gets dirty during a long-term rental in Estonia, please contact us by +372 600 0160, Facebook or via email info@citybee.ee and we will provide you further details.
The maximum length of a reservation is 28 days if you wish to continue using CityBee service longer, just purchase another package or continue the trip with the “pay as you go” option and we will take the necessary steps to issue a monthly invoice for your ongoing trip.
There is no registration or account creation fee – you pay for the time of using the vehicle and kilometers. Detailed price information is available on the “Pricing” page, and additional fees and penalties are set out below in this Pricelist.
We strongly urge you to use CityBee cars responsibly and leave them in good order. However, additional fees may apply if you fail to comply with the Terms and Conditions of the agreement or use of the services.
Prices are available on the web pages:
LT – https://citybee.lt/en/pricing/;
LV – https://citybee.lv/en/pricing/;
EE – https://citybee.ee/en/pricing/.
The Terms discuss fines and conditions, principles and procedure of imposing them, whereas specific types of fines and their specific amounts are indicated in the Pricelist, which can be periodically updated. In any case, the User must get familiar with the Pricelist in the App, applicable to each reservation and currently valid before they confirm each reservation.
Please be aware that driving Cargo vehicles on motor highways requires payment. Drivers must either pay a user toll or present a document confirming toll payment, such as a vignette, in paper or electronic form. For more information about vignettes in Lithuania, and Estonia, please visit: Road taxes.
When driving within the borders of Latvia, vignettes are included in the price and drivers do not have to purchase them. If the trip is planned outside Latvia and the state border will be crossed, the driver must purchase a vignette.
Minimum trip price is the minimum amount payable for the services, which is deducted from the Payment account after unlocking the car or extending the reservation (if the minimum amount is exceeded, the remaining amount due is debited no later than at the end of the trip, and if the minimum amount is not reached – the difference is not returned). The minimum trip price (its size) for each car is indicated in the App.
Additional fees
The BeeChill Fee is a small financial protection fee applied to all Pay as-You Go trips, and it’s already included in the price of trip packages – you can easily see the fee in the app before you start your trip.
Fee for leaving the vehicle in another state (in a zone permitted by CityBee) – 39 EUR
Parking Zone fee – a fee the amount of which is provided for on the App is charged for returning or collecting the Vehicle from the Parking Zone territories marked and shown on the App.
Administrative fee in case of a violation of the Road Traffic Regulations and related events – EUR 10
In cases provided for in the Terms, you will also have to cover costs incurred by us in connection with damage caused by you or administration of your debt.
Fines and damages
If you or other persons, for whom you make it possible to use our vehicles, do not follow the Terms, the following fines may be imposed on you, which are deemed our liquidated damages:
For allowing other persons to use the Account and (or) to drive, control or otherwise use the vehicle – EUR 700
For leaving a vehicle (i.e., ending the trip) not in CityBee zones marked in the App (the fine is also applied in cases where the trip is terminated on our initiative after applying for temporary protection measures): – EUR 300
For loss of the vehicle starting keys – EUR 120 You must also compensate for all costs of purchasing and programming the keys.
For smoking inside the vehicle – EUR 70
For fuel misappropriation or misuse of the fuel card – EUR 500 (in case of fuel misappropriation you will pay a fine, plus will compensate for the value of the misappropriated fuel)
For dangerous, reckless or careless driving – EUR 500
For driving under the influence of alcohol (above 0.00 per mille), narcotic substances and other substances affecting mental state (or when you consumed alcohol or used other intoxicating substances after the traffic accident before its circumstances were established, or avoided undergoing a blood alcohol or intoxication test (blood alcohol content or intoxication is understood as defined in legal acts). You must pay us the fine of the indicated amount for driving under the influence of alcohol (above 0.00 per mille), narcotic substances and other substances affecting mental state also in those cases when you transferred the Vehicle or otherwise made it possible for another person to drive it when he was under the influence of alcohol (above 0.00 per mille), narcotic substances and other substances affecting mental state, or when such a person avoided undergoing a blood alcohol or intoxication test – EUR 2000
For leaving a vehicle (i.e., ending the trip) in such a condition where it cannot be used for further trips (e.g., the vehicle is left in a private lot or a paid parking lot, from which it is not possible to leave without paying for parking.) – EUR 70
For leaving the vehicle (i.e., ending the trip) without leaving the key in the vehicle, if within 2 hours from informing you about the collection of the key, the key is not returned – 70 EUR
For soiling of the vehicle, which requires additionally cleaning (including dry cleaning) – 100€
For failure to comply with our order not to exceed the permitted speed limit when you, after receiving a notification from us, continue to exceed the speed limit – 150€
Fee applicable in Lithuania, Fee for leaving a car in an unauthorized place (when the car is towed to a storage area) – 200€
However, if the vehicle is damaged during a traffic accident caused by you (or another person for whom you made it possible to use our vehicle) in a non-sober state, participating in sports competitions, or otherwise violating the Terms, you will have to compensate us for damages in full. See the Terms.
About other cases of damages, see the Terms.
If the car is parked in a private paid parking lot (for example., Citypark, Europark, minus these exceptions), the driver pays the parking fee independently.
All CityBee subscription plans are valid for 30 days from the date of purchase. If you do not use all the trips included in the plan within this period, the plan will not be automatically renewed, and no refunds will be given for unused trips.
In the CityBee app, parking zones marked in yellow usually have a drop-off and/or pick-up fee for CityBee cars. This fee does not apply to trips made under the CityBee subscription. The drop-off fee in the yellow CityBee zone is not charged even if the trip starts under the subscription plan but ends with the pay-as-you-go pricing due to exceeding the allocated kilometers and/or minutes in the subscription plan.
When purchasing additional trips, i.e., trip packages, during the subscription period, the CityBee drop-off and/or pick-up fee waiver in the yellow zone does not apply for the package trips.
For more information on CityBee parking zones, click here.
CityBee cars can be used to travel within the European Union (or where CityBee car insurance is valid). However, you need to get our prior permission first.
The permission request must be sent to the general email addresses:
You can contact the LT team via info@citybee.lt;
You can contact the LV team via info@citybee.lv;
You can contact the EE team via info@citybee.ee.
Before deciding whether to allow to transport CityBee car outside of LT, LV or EE, we will assess our technical and organisational capabilities and your history of using CityBee services.
Please note that you can drive to Latvia and Estonia without the permission, but if you leave the car in one of these countries (in a zone marked in the CityBee app), there is an additional charge of 39EUR. The charge is applicable regardless of the registration number of the car.
Please note that this service is provided in Lithuania only.
From 07/01/2023 to 12/31/2025, there is no need to pay road user tax when driving commercial electric vehicles on main roads.